Signature Scholarship
The Signature Scholarship has closed for the 2024 Program.
Signature Performance has proudly granted tens of thousands of dollars to dozens of students since we started the Signature Scholarship Program in 2015. As a firm, we place great value on the importance of education and continual learning. It makes individuals, our country, and our society more capable and enlightened. Education is one of the hallmarks of dreams being realized and human beings reaching their full potential. Each year, we invite our Associates' children and legal dependents who are either about to begin or currently pursuing an undergraduate or trade school degree the opportunity to apply for a Signature-sponsored financial scholarship.
Applicant Eligibility
Applicant must be a child or legal dependent of a Signature Performance Associate.
Applicant must be a senior in high school or currently pursuing an undergraduate or trade school degree.
Applicant must be under the age of 24 at time of application.
Our Application Process
Our application will capture general information about your educational background, academic pursuits, and your overall involvement in school and related extracurricular activities. We require you to upload the following documents to complete your application:
1. Two reference letters from non-family members.
2. A written essay in response to the application's writing prompt.
500 Word Minimum
3. A photo of yourself to use internally to announce our scholarship winners!
4. A signed and completed Consent to Publish Form.
If under 18, A Parent/Guardian must also sign.
If you have questions, please contact Signature's Scholarship Program Chair, Kaylie Honz, via email.